October 2019
SPJ Startup, StrongSalt, Raises $3 Million in Seed Funding
The conversation around data privacy has intensified, creating global demand for more transparency and accountability. StrongSalt will be using Valley Capital Partners funding to further develop its encryption platform-as-a-service for developers and enterprises. Read the coverage.

SPJ Funding Support
We are currently helping multiple startups gain access to top venture partners in Silicon Valley. Want to learn more about these great startups? We'd love to chat with you!
Startups include:

SPJ Exit Win
We are proud to announce our participation in a 5th Exit in 3 years. SPJ startup, Bitnami, joined the VMWare family in May. Read the announcement.

SPJ Enterprise Deal Highlight: SecurityScorecard
In the past month, we helped secure two notable enterprise deals for SecurityScorecard: one with a Fortune Top 2 multinational conglomerate and another with Freedom Financial Network. Learn more about how SecurityScorecard helps enterprises gain operational command of their security posture here.

SPJ Enterprise Deal Highlight: Templarbit
We helped Templarbit secure an enterprise deal with a National Championship University this past quarter - helping the school's security risk team deploy application-layer security and stopping attacks on their APIs. Learn more about Templarbit.

SPJ Enterprise Deal Highlight: Armorblox
Steve and PJ were instrumental in securing two enterprise deals for Amorblox recently: one with a billion-dollar utilities tech solutions provider, and another with a leading Hollywood talent agency. Learn how to stop socially engineered attacks with Amorblox.

Startup Product Launches
Templarbit Sonar
Instantly evaluate and continuously monitor apps. Blazing fast security monitoring that delivers insights into the availability, performance, and security config of web assets.
Learn more
SecurityScorecard API
Understand and reduce risk with the world's most expensive and scalable cybersecurity ratings platform. The SecurityScorecard API will give your cloud platform a raw feed of its cybersecurity ratings to stay ahead of potential threats to you and your costumers.
Learn more

What are the cybersecurity trends that VCs are looking at right now? Raymond Choi, General Partner at Valley Capital Partners.